Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So... Oldest kid never gets sick. Or... never got sick... until now. She caught what we believed was her sister's cold. Her sister is almost always a little snot beast. She has terrible allergies and on top of that catches everything that comes along. It's a good thing she's a good sick person or I'd have to bury her in the backyard.

Oldest Kid, however, continued to get sicker and sicker. It seemed that her sinking spells were perfectly timed when we were around those grotesque overly empathetic people who fawned over her every sniffle. So, we were really unsure of the severity of said disease as it waxed and waned a bit.

Well, said child was taken to the MD yesterday. She has walking pneumonia. This is day two of missing school. She's happy as a clam now. She's not gonna be happy tomorrow when she goes back to school and sees the pile of work she has to catch up on.

This illness has very poor timing. She managed to score an audition spot for the fall play. The doctor said she can return to school 24 hours after the fever is gone and went on to say likely wednesday or thursday. This morning her fever was below 100. I'm gonna say that counts. We're gonna cross our fingers for wednesday. If she doesn't have an opportunity to try out for the play it will ruin her semester. She will indeed be a very sad person.

Her mood is much better today. I can tell she's feeling better. I'm having a hard time keeping her on the couch. And, her appetite is back. These are all good signs. Tomorrow will be day three of antibiotics so she should be good to go. :)

1 comment:

  1. It's always interesting to see how our kids handle sickness. I have some that milk it for all it's worth. Others just keep going and ignore their symptoms unless they're so sick it puts them down.

    Hope she is feeling better soon---then you can go back to your routine! :)
