Friday, September 25, 2009


Organized - Pronounced (Organ- iz - id)

This is something I aspire to. It's something I pride myself in.

I'm not sure what it is about fall, but it makes me desire a higher level of organization.

My boss and I keep having the same conversation about her office over and over and over again. She's forever troubled by what a pig sty it is. She really likes organization but doesn't have time to keep it that way. I want to help, but so much of what she does is lost on me. Since I only work part-time I don't want to hide all her stuff. And... she's a little OCD about all her tiny pieces of paper with notes on them. She's sweet and OCD but the shoe still fits.

So yesterday at work.... I decided to go for it. I managed to find homes for 2 giant piles of stuff. I found homes for stuff she hasn't touched in forever. And of course.... she texted me looking for her stuff. I picked THE DAY in months that she needed something from a pile.

I just LOVE to organize stuff. I could totally be one of those crazies with their own show on HGTV about cleaning up houses and ridding the clutter. My friend loves me to come over when she's organizing. Purge is my favorite word. I like helping people part with their stuff. I'm fixing to get rid of lots of my stuff too. I'm kinda excited! Weird, I know :)


  1. Ooooo--I need you to come over next time I get on my organizing can help me OVERCOME my urge to save save save for that day when I just MIGHT need that very hard to find item that I have had for 20 years and never needed...sigh...

    I was just thinking I need to do SOMETHING to my laundry room. It needs some cool organizing cubby thingys and those random items that have somehow ended up in there need to find a new home (or the garbage can)

    And while I do that I will be singing, "WE SHALL OVERCOME!"

  2. Oh, and PS: Wish I could have been a fly on the wall in your boss' office. I can just see her now...
