Saturday, September 26, 2009


I'm sore.

I volunteered myself to be a client/guinea pig for a Principles of Exercise Testing & Prescription class at the university.

I had my testing done yesterday. They started with height, weight, measurements (scary), and body fat percentage (really, really scary). Then they did a test to determine how fit my heart is. I had to pedal a stationary bike to a metronome while they continued to up the resistance on the bike. That was insane. After that they tested how strong and flexible I am.

I was excited because I appear fat and slovenly but in actuality I'm very strong and fit. I surprised everyone (even myself) with how much weight I can lift.

I am competitive and rise to the occasion when put on the spot so I did really good.

But.... I am very sore and getting worse by the minute it seems. Tomorrow I might not be able to move.

I'm looking forward to the program. I have a student personal trainer assigned to me. Her job for the rest of the semester is to whip me into shape. At the end of the semester we'll redo all the tests and see how good a job she did. If she could get me svelt for the cruise I'm going on in December that would totally rock! She's really sweet. I could tell she was super nervous. She confessed before I left yesterday that she was so excited that her client is in good shape. She says that some of her friends in the program were assigned clients that are big and fat and have never exercised before. She and I hit it off right away. She's on the track team at the university. We are able to relate to one another as athlete and former athlete. That will be cool. Let me be a warning to her little stick figure self that when the training ends the pounds have a way of seeking you out.

So... I get to meet once a week with Skinny Mini and her mission is to train me. I'm really excited about the program. Every time I see that all call I decide I can't do it because it runs during gymnastic season. I decided this year that I would do it anyway. I don't think my workout time is going to conflict with practice times. If it does, oh well.

1 comment:

  1. That is so great! I know you will do well and feel so good when you are thru. Well, except for the fact that you can hardly move right now...
