Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Best Stuff Ever!

Best Friends! Definitely some of the best stuff ever.

This picture is of me and my BFF 17 years ago. We were just babies but felt so grown up. We were camp counselors together for two summers. That picture was taken the first summer ('92). We worked at a little camp called The Master's Inn in Altavista, VA. We have LOTS of stories!

The picture at the top was taken February 2004 (12 years later). It was taken the night that I met my now Hubby Guy. She set us up long distance. I was living in FL and he was living in VA. I came to VA for a visit and she and her husband went on a double date with us. (That's the short version of that story) I married Hubby Guy and now me and my BFF live in the same town. How clever of her was that? That was more than 5 years ago. I don't have any more recent pictures. I have pictures of her and she has pictures of me but I don't think one exists that's of both of us.

There is just nothing better than having long time friends. In our younger, basically responsibility free days, we were mostly inseparable. She described our time together as "living life while conducting an ongoing conversation with one another". That's such a perfect description. We both miss those days. Now we each have a Hubby Guy to consider. We also both have children. Life just isn't as simple as it once was. The fact remains, though, we have each other's backs. There's no other friend that I would rather hang out with. We have so much history that we can communicate without words.

I also want to add that secondary to long time friends, girl friends in general are some of the best stuff ever. I love my friends, new and old. I am especially blessed to have the friends that I have. I would post their pictures and name them all but they might not appreciate it. They know who they are.


  1. Stef, I love to hear best friend stories! My BFA&F sent me a HUGE beautiful mum to my work last Tuesday--on the 30th anniversary of our meeting (the first day of school, 9th grade!) Can you believe that, not only did she remember the exact day that we met, she actually made plans and sent me the flowers! :)

    Glad you are living near your BFF, even if you don't get to spend lots of time together.

    And I am with you---I am thankful for all my friends, old and new---especially YOU! ♥

  2. Hi Stef! I found you through Steph (For The Love of Sam) - I'm her "BFA&F."

    Like Steph, I love to hear about other best girl friends - such a blessing from God.

    Just curious - did you go to LU? My hubby and I are from that area of VA and I actually taught for a year in Altavista at the elementary school. (So, I know about The Master's Inn, too!)

