Friday, September 11, 2009

Coming Tonight to a House Near Us... Oh Wait a minute... I mean Our House

Ebert & Roeper have dubbed it the the longshot smash hit of the fall season.

11 Year Old Sleepover!

Synopsis: The oldest Lewis daughter turns 11 on Sunday. Friday night, though, is time to party! The besties have been invited. It'll be a mish mash of social circles guaranteed to clash. Tune in to watch the sugar induced drama play out. It's guaranteed to be a roof raiser!

Cool Party Mom - Stephanie Lewis
Fun Governor - Hubby Guy
Birthday Girl - Oldest Kid
Party Guest # 1 - Girl that Cool Party Mom doesn't like and who Oldest Kid wanted to uninvite
Party Guest # 2 - Oldest Kid's long time best friend from former life who is fiercely loyal and possessive of Oldest Kid
Party Guest # 3 - Sweet girl from down the street who has a love hate relationship with Party Guest # 1
Party Guest # 4 - Oldest Kid's new friend who was also adopted out of an abusive home and who doesn't like Party Guest # 5
Party Guest # 5 - Kid that Oldest Kid met at a camp this summer but who doesn't like Party Guest # 4.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a real spell-binder! I mean a put-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat drama! When does it come out on DVD?
