Sunday, April 11, 2010

It Was So Yummy I Could Have Eaten It...

This is what my afternoon looked like today.
After we got home from church and lunch I put on my "Grumpy Pants" literally, not figuratively, and retired to the back porch with the book I was needing to finish.
After I finished the book I just continued to lay on the porch and take in the gorgeous day.
The only thing that was missing was a polarizing lens for my camera. The sky was so much more gorgeous through my polarized shades. The blue was a little deeper.

Back before we had children, most sunday afternoons this time of year were spent in the hammock. I haven't just chilled out back on a sunday afternoon in years.

For the first little bit today the oldest brought a book and sat out there with me. That was really nice. She got bored and decided she wanted to go to the University with Hubby Guy. The little one was sleeping. So with Hubby Guy and the oldest gone and the little one sleeping I was ALONE. At first I felt kinda guilty like perhaps I should be dealing with the mountain of laundry waiting inside the house. It didn't take long to get over that.  I spent three hours on the porch socking up the day. 

It was so yummy I could have eaten it.  :)

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