Wednesday, April 21, 2010

If I Burrito They Will Come

One unfortunate part of having pets is the hair they leave behind. I regularly "burrito" my furniture. I could vacuum every day but I prefer to burrito instead.

When people come over I un-burrito the furniture. When the house first went on the market I found that every time I burritoed we would get another showing and I would just have to un-burrito. So I developed the saying "If I burrito they will come."

Well we haven't had a showing in a week and a half and I never re burritoed. I cleaned house monday after the mysterious yard lookers appeared. I was hoping I would get a call so I didn't bother to burrito. Just today I was thinking about re burrito-ing because I didn't get a call and guess what???? We have a showing tomorrow evening. They called this afternoon.

Keep your fingers crossed tomorrow evening that someone will fall truly, madly, deeply in love with our house and buy it.

As I looked back on what I just wrote it occurs to me that I never imagined I would say the word burrito and variations of the word so often in one place. Life is funny.


  1. LOL!!! I thought the same thing when I re-read my latest post... except my word is "groove".

    You do say burrito a lot.

  2. I do hope they fall madly in love with your house and have to have it. If not, Burrito again so you'll have more prospects.

    Have a good weekend Stef!
