Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Because I'm A Dork... That's Why! (Volume II)

I use in-ear headphones. I've had hearing loss since I was a baby. The in-ear kind are just the best for me.

Well... the other day I was grocery shopping. I had a lot floating through my head so I decided to listen to music to help focus.
I always turn off my music before going through the check out line so as not to appear super rude. I noticed the other day that when I took off my headphones I couldn't hear very well. I then started stressing about finally having blasted my eardrums to the point that they wouldn't bounce back.

I finished checking out and started walking to the car. I was really troubled that I couldn't hear hardly at all. I reached up and touched my right ear and realized that when I took off my earphones the little light blue tip of the right one stayed in my ear.

Miraculously after I removed it my hearing was restored.

Yes, people... I'm a dork!


  1. I came here from Dust Bunny Hostage's place. I've enjoyed scrolling through yours. You have a pretty nifty blog. Me? I post about once a week. I'm thinking that I'll become a follower of yours, but you know: procrastination is an art form around here. :)

  2. You crack me up...


    And I wonder how many people wondered what the blue thingy was in your ear...hee hee
