If I could I would send a letter that reads:
Dear Irresponsible Parents, Your punk 6th grader refuses to delete my number from her cell phone. She continues to send me stupid text forwards even though she knows I'm an adult. She is doing it because you have failed at creating a responsible and respectful child. You stink as a parent and your child needs a spanking.
Really Irritated Parent
Can you tell that I'm irritated? Fine.. I know that some kids are responsible enough to have cell phones. Some, obviously, aren't. My child is in the aren't pile and at 11 she doesn't have a phone. Moreover, she won't have a phone until she has enough brains not to continue to harrass another child's parents.
I reported the kid to the school resource officer this afternoon. He's going to speak with her parents. If that doesn't make her stop he counseled me to create an official police report. I plan on doing just that.
I can't believe I may have to press charges against a 6th grader for harassing me with a cell phone. That's ridiculous. What is the world coming to?
*Update* - The resource officer called me back. He spoke with the little punk's mother. She was very apologetic and said she would would certainly handle the matter. I don't know what the punk's outcome will be, but I can say with certainty that if a police officer called my house and told me that my kid was harassing an adult that it would not be pretty.
Oh wow. Some of my kids' friends have my cell number but this hasn't happened to me yet. I hope it doesn't! Glad it's all worked out now.