Thursday, October 29, 2009

I Confess...

I confess.... I love to watch people. I posted before about how I love to walk through other neighborhoods and imagine life differently (Out of Life Experience). Tonight I was sitting at a restaurant and could not help but watch people. There were TONS of people in there. I found myself imagining life as other people.

I am constantly amazed at how different our lives are. There is a lot common to daily life, but schedules and places and families are all different.

I started to consider why I people watch. I don't want to switch lives. I like mine. I know better than to think the grass is greener.

I just love to watch people. I LOVE, LOVE to go sit some crowded place and just take it all in. It's like being a benevolent stranger in an ant hill. People rush here and there. They talk on their cell phones to unseen people. They're mad, sad, angry, happy, whatever. It's positively intriguing.

Another thought I had was this: I heard quoted someplace that "God is in the people business." I can't help but think the reason why me and so many others I've known love to people watch is because we're wired for relationship. God wants us to engage one another. That wonder I have is supposed to be used for His kingdom.

That makes me feel kinda bad because I'm shy until I get to know people. I think most of the time I'd rather sit back and watch.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you think that is why some of us love blogging so much? Because of that curiosity about the lives of others?

    I've always been fairly content to sit back and watch (and listen) too.

    Have a wonderful weekend Stef!
