Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Brat Poison!

This morning I invented something in my head.

I do this all the time.

Years ago when I worked at a hospital I invented an "Invisibubble". You put it on and zip it up and it makes it so that you can pass through hallways undetected, thusly freeing you from the mindless small talk people feel is necessary to not appear rude. I also invented the "Stealth Suit". It works much the same but gets you places much faster!

This morning I invented Brat Poison. You feed it to children like the little kid that continues to harass my first grader. (No he hasn't been moved yet!!!) It won't kill him. It will only make him obedient and sweet. It will also get rid of his tendencies toward being an evil predator. Doesn't it sound wonderful?

1 comment:

  1. The whole world needs your invention!

    I'm really sorry Stef. I can only imagine how frustrated you all are. Prayers for your kiddo.
