Thursday, August 20, 2009


So today was the usual half-baked kinda conversation day in our office. Everyone is back gearing up for the semester and catching up on summer events, etc. Conversations tend to go off in odd directions. There was someone there visiting and for a moment the two of us ended up chatting. She told me that she had told my coworker that she believes I'm an undercover psychologist hired to keep my coworkers sane. How funny is that???? I'm a rather together person but that notion is really laughable! It was sweet though. It implied that perhaps I'm a sane person myself who has giftedness in the area of keeping others sane. They know me so little :)


  1. Don't you love it when you see other's perceptions of you and it's surprising? Sometimes I feel like I am a best kept secret!

  2. There is no correlation between sanity and being a professional in the mental health field, trust me.
