Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I have a kid with a brain like a steel trap. When she makes a decision it is final. The idea is stuck and not getting out. This is especially true when she decides something is going to hurt. I've never seen her swayed. I've never been able to talk her out of "her tree". Generally the way it goes is she makes her decision to believe whatever it is and then she spirals downward into a snot pouring meltdown. Meltdown phase involves all manner of irrational behavior.

This morning we had a meltdown. She had a band aid on her thumb. She was convinced it would hurt to remove it. I wasn't part of that conversation. She was told it would have to come off. She was also told to take a shower. I heard her through my bathroom wall start to cry. I asked what the issue was and hubby guy told me what was going on. The crying progressed. I went into the bathroom to find the shower running but the naked child standing in the middle of the bathroom floor wailing and holding her thumb up in the air. I assured her it would not hurt at all. Usually she takes my word on all things band aid because I've proven that I know what I'm talking about. On this occasion she was not interested in my wisdom. So... I ushered the wailing child into the shower. She refused to get under the running water so I helped which only caused more wailing. So... I got irritated and made an executive decision. I pulled her over and grabbed her thumb and took the band aid off. It only took about three seconds but she screamed like I was killing her. The band aid was already wet so it slid right off. It was all really ridiculous. It took forever for her to calm down.

I really hope this kid gets over that particular "ism". Her teen years might kill me. I should go ahead and get fitted for a straight jacket when she turns 13.

1 comment:

  1. I had a drama queen. She grew out of some of it but it... changed. So far I can deal with the pre-teen drama better than I could the kiddie stuff.

    Hang in there!
