Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Dark Side of Cute & Fuzzy

Cute, right? Sweet little ears. Big brown eyes (blink, blink). Little nose that wiggles all the time. Cuddly, snuggly. Loves to give kisses. A lovely little house rabbit.

Yes, he is all these things. His name is Hareold and he's my sweet bunny boy.

The problem that we have is that his rabbitness combined with his man-ness make him hormonal/horny. Throw in territorial and rude just for good measure.

Likely because I'm the one that gives him the most attention he has decided that I am his. 90% of the time he's a good, sweet rabbit that just wants some petting. The other 10% of the time he wants to nip at my wrist or "passionately" grab my arm. This morning he did the positively unpardonable. He has only done it once before. After some sweet bunny nuzzling and morning kisses he hopped off, kicked his feet up in the air and sprayed me with "rabbit sauce". Until you have been sprayed with rabbit sauce you can't really appreciate how disgusting it is. And... I was getting ready to walk out the door so I had to quickly go change clothes. BAD WABBIT!!!

The terrible part is today when I get home he's gonna sit up and "incline his ears" I call it. I need to get a picture because it is the cutest expression a lop eared rabbit could possibly make. I'll forgive the little beast. I know I will. I'm such a sucker. My husband keeps telling me we can turn him into Hassenpheffer. I assure him that even if he did manage to murder the rabbit's cute little self and cook him that he could never really eat him. He assures me that I'm wrong, but I know I'm not. I have a personal policy which states I will never eat something that I have looked in the eyes. He may not claim that policy for himself, but I know him pretty good and he's really a softy.

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