Friday, May 15, 2009


So on my way home from the concert I decided I required a Pibb Extra and some powdered donuts. DUH! So now it's midnight and I'm buzzin'. Scott is fixin' to watch this guy that's kinda crazy and talks about the stock market. I usually can't stand it but right now I can probably hang in there with him. I call him Gilbert because his voice reminds me of Gilbert Gottfried. He's really annoying and he's talking about stuff I don't understand.

I enjoyed the concert. I ended up not really people watching. The arena where we were doesn't really lend itself to much people watching so I just watched the people on the stage. (Like normal people do)

I knew Casting Crowns before they were famous. It was really surreal to see them as "famous people". They don't seem any different. I would like to think that if I became famous I would remain true to me and still remember the little people. They still knew my name. That was really cool. I was hoping they would remember me but wasn't expecting them to so my feelings wouldn't be hurt.

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