Friday, May 22, 2009

Artsy Relaxation & Family Ties

I love to color. I went out yesterday and bought myself a geometric shapes coloring book. I've colored a bunch of pages already. I also bought myself a new set of Crayola Twistables Colored Pencils. YAY! What hasn't been fun is keeping my children away from it. I explained to them that this was MY TOY. They don't seem to grasp that concept. For the most part they believe that what is theirs is solely theirs and what is mine is theirs to share. I think not. I was coloring last night and my youngest decided that she wanted to color too. At my insistence she begrudgingly went into her room and grabbed her own crayons and coloring book. She started coloring and decided that she didn't have the color she NEEDED. Iterestingly enough it was the color that was on top of my pile of colors. I found her the color in her stack that she was sure she didn't have. Plot foiled. :)

Between this blog (which has been helpful in the area of purging my brain) and my new coloring book I'm feelin' pretty good. I'm a lot more relaxed. The gorgeous skies the last couple days have helped as well. Today I'm driving down to my parent's place for the weekend. It'll be good. There's nothing like relaxing at home and letting the gradparents spoil the children.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy coloring too but my weekness is notebooks. I LOVE a brand new notebook and pen. My kids don't understand why I want my notebook ALL to myself.
