Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Thorn In The Flesh

Just today I was pondering how wonderfully happy and blessed I am. I was doing a mental inventory (a check-up-from-the-neck-up as Hubby Guy would call it). Really it was about more than my brain. It was more of a reconciliation between my brain and my heart/soul.

I was thinking about how I hate that we're born sinful and that our flesh constantly is unsatisfied.

It didn't take me long to identify the one area of life where I always find myself lacking. No, I'm not gonna share what that is. I'll just say I've battled it for years. As much as I would love to not struggle with it, I think I likely always will.

I was thinking of Paul's thorn in the flesh as described in II Cor. 12:7-10. It was given to him as a constant reminder of how in need of Christ he was. It's role was to keep him humble.

It's so easy to lose sight of how fallen and desperate I am when things are good. I haven't forgotten my need of Christ, but it's good to be reminded anyway.

I had this thought too: If I ever did stop struggling with the one thing that I'm not gonna tell you another thing would surely come along.  As daunting as I find my particular struggle, I fear that what may follow it would be triple bad.

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