Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cigarette Isle

If you're a smoker and you're reading this, try not to hate me. I come from a very "religious" region. I think that's the reason why the isle of the grocery store where you go to get cigarettes is always the shortest. Perhaps there's a stigma. I totally capitalize on that notion. I almost always go through that isle. The wait is shorter.

Well... another part of the fun for me is when someone who's actually in that line to buy cigarettes has to wait for the worker to ring up my $200 of groceries. It's like my payback on those rude people who smoke outside of doorways and other places where I have to wade through their toxins to get where I'm going. I make them wait. It's great fun.

I went grocery shopping yesterday and like usual I went to that isle to check out. There was a lady behind me giving me the stink-eye. I was hoping like crazy that she wasn't in the line to buy cigarettes. She had a baby with her. Lo and behold as I walked away I heard her telling the lady what kind she wanted. I'm SO HAPPY I made her wait all that time. I would only hope she doesn't smoke near her kid.

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