Friday, March 12, 2010

Still Waiting :(

Consider this while anxiously awaiting Part II (tee-hee... "as if")

Actual event in my house two days ago:

We have un-crate trained our hounds (long story). Now the beasts roam free in the house during the day.

So two days ago... Either Hubby Guy's memory of actually closing the laundry room door was wishful thinking or the smart hound has figured out how to break in (totally possible). There was a bag of garbage sitting next to the can (another long story about pet peeves of mine). I walked in the door and immediately noticed that the floor outside the laundry room was covered in garbage. As I proceeded into the house I noticed that the entire house was literally carpeted with garbage. The three hounds did a very thorough job. I took a moment to contemplate what they had done. I wish now that I had taken pictures.

Anyway.... they had literally "sorted" the trash. All manner of cans/receptacles once containing food had been taken into the den in front of the fire place. The labels had been eaten and the cans were licked clean.

Youngest child's unwanted school papers were neatly separated on the kitchen rug. That part was really kind of creepy because she gets in these weird moods and literally lays papers on the floor side by side and end to end to "carpet" the floor. The dogs did a very fair representation of that with her papers.

Into the dining room one hound had taken all of the "cardboardy-type" refuse and paper towels.  There he proceeded to shred them. That's his favorite thing to do. Heaven for him is being able to get a hold of a box of tissues and shred every tissue and the box too.

The rest was just spread all around. The bag was left empty exactly where it was. The bag was not torn or mangled in any way.

I took the opportunity to thoroughly clean every square inch of flooring in the house that afternoon.

After cleaning I went to my room where I found the cat curled up in the chair sleeping. I asked him why he didn't tell the dogs to stop. (Yes... I converse with my animals and yes, they talk back) He said he tried but one of the dogs said to him, "Can it cat or you're next!" Dogs can be so mean.  I also asked the rabbit what happened. He wasn't betraying any confidences. Our animals are a pretty tight group. Let me introduce them.

Left - Mishka (Aussie Shepherd) - likely door jacker and paper arranger
Middle - Wiley (English Cocker Spaniel) - paper and cardboard shredder
Right - Churchill (Yellow Labrador)- can and receptacle licker

Boo - lookin out for number one
Hareold - betrays no confidences

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