Thursday, January 14, 2010

If there are whitecaps in your toilet...8

After every port day they had a "Sail Away" party. This picture was taken of our "sail away" from Cozumel. The last day on the ship was a day at sea. It was nice to have that day to pack and rest before having to get off the boat.

This little monkey was the only other towel animal that they made for us. Word on the ship was that some cabin stewards made all kinds of stuff and some just made a couple. This monkey was awesome. He even had his little tongue stuck out! We loved him and left him hanging there for a couple of days. We noticed some other people left theirs up too.

We both positively loved the experience. We decided that next time we definitely want to take the girls. They would have had a blast! They had lots of stuff for kids to do. We also decided that going just the two of us was awesome but now that we've had the experience it would be nice to go with other people that we know. It would definitely enrich the experience.

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