Monday, December 7, 2009

I Just Don't Know....

I don't know what it is about holidays... especially Christmas.

In my family of birth all of the truly dreadful things that happen usually occur on or near Christmas.

This year it's that big end-of-life decisions are having to be made for my grandmother. Those decisions involve going through her house and deciding who might like to have what.

The realization of the upcoming splitting up of my grandparent's things has made me sad. The notion is not new. Everyone knew these actions were pending. I just don't understand why Christmas is when it has to happen. Can't we just celebrate and be normal and happy for Christmas?! Can't we save all manner of heartache for January?

And.... that could very well involve an unplanned stop through Mississippi on the way home from our anniversary cruise to load said items that might actually be given to me in the truck. I haven't even shared all this with Hubby Guy (Sorry, Hubby Guy... I love you and am grateful that you put up with the *expletive* my family occasionally pulls). This development happened this morning and I'm still trying to process all of it.

There's nothing like emotional baggage to ruin the Christmas spirit!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm sorry, Stef...Family and poor planning was the topic with someone today. Not sure why some can be so insensitive to others. And I'm sorry that you have to sort through all this during the holidays. Hope you are able to focus on good memories as you deal with the family.
