Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Complete Stress... or a Lack Thereof?

I have a very laid back personality. Things just don't usually get to me as quick as they do to the general populus.

I'm enduring a bit of a weird medical mystery at the moment. Don't freak out, I'm fine. It's just a nuisance really, but an odd nuisance.

Last night it was suggested to me by Hubby Guy that perhaps my condition is caused by stress.

I don't feel stressed. I feel fine. I'm generally happy and well adjusted.

Perhaps my condition is caused by the notion that my body feels stress even though I don't recognize it and has decided to manifest it's displeasure in creative ways.

I'm totally not down with that notion.

I've done lots of research and it all suggests that I'm not alone and just have an unknown virus that will ultimately resolve on it's own. Here's hoping!

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