Tuesday, November 10, 2009

On Christmas

I had a deep realization yesterday regarding Christmas.

Since I've been married I haven't done Christmas the same as I did in the years prior to being married. I feel like I haven't celebrated it at all.

For the last several years I have used the excuse that Christmas is about Christ and not about all the other stuff to avoid celebrating or being festive and enjoying the holiday. The truth is that Christmas is a secular holiday that Christians hijacked and made about Christ. Read the history before you go getting all mad at me for saying that.

I AM a Christian and I think hijacking it was a good idea. HOWEVER, as a child Christmas was the ONE time of year when I felt connected to my family and actually enjoyed being a part of it. Our family CELEBRATED Christmas. We celebrated all aspects of it. We decorated, we baked all manner of yummy candy and cookies, we bought each other presents, and we believed in Santa. I miss that and I want it back!

This year, again, we have a really good reason to pass it by without any hoopla. We are actually ditching our children on Christmas day and we'll be traveling. The trip was planned 3 years ago before we had children. I'm excited about it. I want to go. But, I feel bad now that it falls when it does. Another year essentially missed. ARG!

I'm gonna fix the problem. I'm not sure how just yet, but I'm gonna.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think Christmas has to strictly be celebrated on the day. Make your holiday center around Christmas Eve maybe. Then when you leave, it will be like y'all are done.

    Creating traditions are fun. Since you don't have anything established, the slate is clean and your holidays are wide open! I know you will think of something.
