Sunday, September 29, 2013

On Brain Wringage

So... it's fall again. And, as usual, my creativity has peaked. I say every year that I don't know what it is about fall that loosens all of my pent up thoughts. Well, people, they've been loosed.

I've heard several times from songwriters being interviewed that an idea or a melody will come to them and they find themselves scribbling thoughts on napkins, etc. I had one of those really awkward moments this morning in church where my brain began wringing itself out and I quickly had to catch all the thoughts on paper. My hubby guy kept looking over like perhaps I was writing something for him because we are prone to pass notes in church (we're bad, I know). At any rate, I managed to fill up an entire sheet with brain drippings.

I said in a my last post that I feel like a caged animal that has been released. I spoke there about those animals needing a jolt to remind them of what they are and that they are free to be what they are created to be. In the past couple of weeks I do feel like God has "kicked my cage". I can think of four specific conversations with friends where God spoke into my heart.

A song came to mind by Jason Gray called Remind Me Who I Am.  There's a line that says "In the loneliest places, when I can't remember what grace is, Tell me once again who I am to You".    I feel like HE has. And, I remember that I really like who I am. I find it very sad that I allow myself to get caught in "stinkin' thinkin" and start to believe that I'm somehow less than and that God can't use me. I know better.

As I sit here and I look at the paper from church this morning with the greasy brain drippings, I realize the thoughts, though related, aren't necessarily sequential or cohesive. So, I will use them to craft a few different posts. Yay! Blog inspiration.

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