Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm Just Evil I Think....

SO yesterday we went to Charlottesville to get our youngest (in the words of my hubby guy) " A check-up from the neck up". We went to a well known child psychologist who specializes in the care of foster and adoptive children. He uses a very different approach to intervention. His evaluation process involves the child and the parents.

SO I had to subject myself to the meddlesome questions of he and his team. I gotta tell you, it was THE WIERDEST thing. I did not enjoy it. BUT... I had great fun watching the interviewer try not to act shocked when I shared stories from my childhood. He asked. I was truthful. I didn't see any point in lying to the man. At one point I decided that I must just be evil. I took too much pleasure in shocking the guy. It was SO easy to do given the questions he asked.

The good news of the day is that the preliminary results of the eval show that according to him she is very healthy given her past. He also is of the opinion that her recent acting out is a function of particular stressors. He was really excited and is certain that intervention will be most helpful is solving the behavior problems that she is having and that she will not be a prisoner of her impulses forever.

So, Yay!  Once all this intervention stuff gets rolling I can have friends again that also have children.

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