Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Have Green Walls, Work Drama, and Bad Hair

I'm kinda scared of the color green. I decided that I wanted 3 walls of the master bedroom to be green. It's a really cool sagey green. I like it but it's gonna need to grow on me :)

I'm still unboxing and arranging but I'm feeling more and more at home.

I've been such a blog slacker. The truth is, though, that had I continued posting regularly ya'll would have asked me to stop it anyway. All I've had on my mind is house stuff.

I need to make an effort to write about some of the other stuff now floating around in my brain now that life is starting to feel normal again.

Let's see....

A different job came up in my office that has more hours and has full benefits. Currently I have no benefits. I still turned the job down. For the first time in my life, my life circumstances don't require that I work. I do work because I need to get out of the house. The extra cash is also a good thing. BUT.... all this has made me think back to those times in my life where my life depended on my employment. Back then the only thing that mattered was the more money part. Now I get to choose.

When I was looking for the job I currently have the thing that was MOST important to me was the circumstance. I wanted a part time job that would allow me to have afternoons free for my children. I wanted to do something that required very little actual brain power. I wanted the work to be somewhat interesting. The job I have is EXACTLY that! And... the very best part.... I LOVE the people I work with!! Our side of the office is awesome. There's a big difference in having a good working relationship with your coworkers and actually liking your coworkers as people. It's summertime so 2 of the three people I work directly with are out of the office. I miss them a lot. I can't wait for school to start just so I can see them regularly again. But at the same time, I feel like this summer has really been a good one as far as proving myself and showing what I'm capable of to the one coworker who is still around. To me that has been spectacular. It's taken 2 1/2 years in my current job to finally feel like I am actually part of the team. It will take more than the lure of money to make me leave my current position. Had I taken the other job I wouldn't have even moved out of the office suite but my circumstance would change greatly. Environment is everything and in my opinion it would STINK to work on the other side of the office. The personalities over there are "interesting" to put it nicely and I want no part of it.

In other news.....

I'm struggling through a bad hair cut. My stylist decided it would be cool to razor cut my hair. My hair didn't respond well. I went back to get it scissor cut but my hair is still mad. It's all split and nasty. I want to wear a ball cap every day. It's embarrassing.


Actually I'm tired of staring at the computer screen. I have more but I'll save it for another day.

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