Monday, October 24, 2011

Oopsie.... I Went Dark

I don't know why I abandoned blogland. Actually, I do but it's lame.
So, anyway.... Hi October :)

The summer was cool. School has begun. The girls are 13 and almost 9. Eeeeek! is all I have to say about the 13 year old. Teenagerness has been ok so far. I remain amazed at God and the answers/responses that come flying out of heaven at just the perfect time. I also remain amazed that she's still talking to Hubby Guy and myself  given if you ask her she'll tell you "they are just so mean!".

The young one has aged nicely. I noticed when I took school pictures recently that she has crossed over from cute little girl to positively gorgeous person. That scares me badly. She has been a handful and will continue to be for the rest of her life. Um.... where are the homely children that I ordered. That sounds horrible but I'm serious. Somewhere in my thinking about children I forgot to consider that more than likely they wouldn't be like me. I was ugly, homely, and smart. These girls are gorgeous and gregarious so I can't just call on my own experience. I have to try to see things through their lenses.

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